Ten Commandments for SEP Teachers

Special Education Program Teachers Ten Commandments

1) Thou shalt remember – Children do not come with employment.  It is not their job to make your day better or worse.  All children misbehave, however very few do so just to piss you off.  Look for the deeper reason for their behaviour, and ensure you also deal with the actual issue, not just the fall-out from it.

2) Thou shalt remember – Memory and language/communication are different to intelligence.  A child may not possess memory skills, or language/communication skills, but this does not mean that they are less intelligent than others who do possess these skills.

3) Thou shalt remember – All children are intelligent.  It is just the degree that varies.  Ensure each and every child has an education.  Ensure each child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

4) Thou shalt remember – Life skills are skills.  Education is academia.  Children are entitled to experience both.

5) Thou shalt remember – All children are entitled to a full-time education.  Children who attend school part-time should only do so if required for their own health or sanity, not yours.

6) Thou shalt remember – A child rocking in the corner (or likewise displaying behaviour that is not “naughty” but is “inconvenient”) is not misbehaving, nor are they trying to deliberately piss you off.  Ensure you do not treat them as though they are.  Allow them space and time if they need it.

7) Thou shalt remember – A child may or may not be able to communicate with language, but all children know when you are talking negatively of them.  So don’t.  Even when they are not around.

8) Thou shalt remember – A child’s diagnosis is their diagnosis.  Their personality is who they are.  Always look at the whole child.  Each is unique.

9) Thou shalt remember – The parent(s) are always on your side to begin with.  Whether or not they stay there is up to how you treat them, and their child.  Use their knowledge, for they know far more about their child than you do, even if they are not up-to-date with all the fancy buzz words.

10) Thou shalt always take care of thyself.  A healthy, happy teacher is the best teacher.  Plus, good teachers deserve to be both healthy and happy!!!


Disability consumer and activist since 2010. Mad as a hatter since way before that.

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Posted in Autism, Disability, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
12 comments on “Ten Commandments for SEP Teachers
  1. […] Ten Commandments for SEP Teachers. […]

  2. Abby Sayegh says:


  3. Katarina says:


  4. Bobbie says:

    Thanks for sharing:)

  5. […] Special Education Program Teachers Ten Commandments 1) Thou shalt remember – Children do not come with employment. It is not their job to make your day better or worse. All children misbehave, ho…  […]

  6. Ann says:

    Thank you for sharing! I have just started on my journey in special education. This is an inspiration.

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Pissed off since 1995. Mad as a hatter since way before that.

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